Since I was laid off, I have been paying for COBRA insurance. For those who don't know how COBRA works, you basically pay for the full premium of your health insurance that you received from your former company. In short, you pay whatever you paid out of your paycheck, along with whatever your employer paid. That's about $700 per month.
Guess what we just found out? The company that bought out CompUSA decided to terminate the current healthplan that all of us laid off people participated in and offered us their new COBRA alternative plan. Their premium for a family is, drum roll please........................

$1,500 per month!!!
YIKES. What kind of mess is that? They only gave us 15 days after they sent their letter to us to make a decision as to whether we would assume their new insurance. So now we have a problem. Mrs. Jones has a pre-existing condition called PREGNANT. So I'm not sure what we're going to do. So yeah! It's of extra importance that I find a descent job within the next 2 or so months. I'm still waiting to see if I got the job that I've been interviewing for, but I know that are in no rush to hire anyone.
It's times like this that I am so glad that I have made God my KING. I just need to continue to do my part and let him take care of all the heavy duty stuff. I can only do so much to take care of me and my family, and when I've been righteous and have done the best that I can do to be obedient to HIM, He will do all that I cannot do. Thank you Father for loving me so much and taking care of me. Thank you for the hope and peace of mind that I have because of you. I understand that I can't be everywhere at one time, but you can. Love you forever.
Here's to COBRA, because I think it's an awesome program. God Bless the new owners of CompUSA. I understand that they are only doing their job, but there are some things in life that truly suck and this is one of them.
Oh my gravy! That is way too much for insurance!
I'm praying that God will reward your faithfulness in this difficult time!
Hey. :) I am a friend of Jill's, and I just wanted to toss out an idea (you may have already looked into this, but...). We have a friend who is a doctor, and she told me that if you're pregnant and don't have insurance, its pretty much a given that you get Medicaid. I mean, I don't know anything about qualifying, or the coverage, but its definitely something worth looking into. You've paid into the system for years, and this is the perfect example of what its for, right? Anyway, a thought... Good luck to both of you, and congrats!
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