
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Baby Poop!

Last week, Madison finally decided to drop the atomic bomb on us. This was one of those runny kind that somehow finds its way out the back of her diaper and up her back. My guestimation is that she was probably sitting in the yucky stuff for about 15 minutes before we realized that she had done what she did.

Sorry to gross you guys out, but I have one more. And then she hit us with the solid stuff that she politely waited until we unlatched her diaper to dispense the remainder of what was left in her tummy. Did you ever play with the Play-Doh dispenser where you put the Play-Doh in and churn it out. That's what it's like. So we're just basically using wet-wipe upon wet-wipe as she's pushing the stuff out.

The stuff you do because you love someone so much.

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