People who were born and raised in the north and relocate to Texas really wear me out sometimes. The second that it's 55 degrees outside, us Texans pull out our coats and heavy jackets because, guess what northen aliens? IT'S us. Heck, I wish I would go outside in some 55 degree weather with shorts and flip-flops on. That's just C-R-A-Z-Y.

Anyway, but the thing that really zaps me the wrong way is these Winter boots that have become a big hit within the last 3 years. I'll admit, they can be somewhat cute and fashionable, but sometimes our southern women don't exercise patience when it come to wearing them. Last Thursday, Tess and I wen to TarJay (The upscale Wal-Mart) and saw this lady with a sweater dress on with knee-high boots. I started to take a picture of her, but felt it inappropriate as the dress was kind of a "mini" dress.

It was only 74 degrees outside. Grant it, the day started out at around 62 degrees, but it doesn't quite warrant bringing out the boots just yet. Since then I've seen 4 other ladies with this warm weather gear on. It's just not time yet. No doubt, us husbands think you're hot when you put them on, but let's at least wait until the daytime high tops out at around 65. I'd say 55 if we lived in the north, but as i stated before, we don't.
Tomorrow, I'll be blogging about the types of clothes Miss Madison won't be wearing.
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