Hello evrybody, .
I c my dad pressin buttins on this theeng and I desided to give it a try. Let me tell you abowt my day.
I klimed out of bed and sat on the cowch in the livinroom. It was kinda dark so I...
ternd on the lite. I had to make shoor no won wuz arown.
I ternd on the nooz. The skreen wuz so brite that it made me smile. I like lites.
Wutz on chanel 1-3? O my, a big yello berd.....cool!
Ha ha! He felled on the grawnd.
That musta hert
You hav got to be kiddin me! I can act better than that Elmo kid.
Ok I'm gettin a litle sleepy.
I thawt it wood be more fun than this beeng up by myself.
I just...I just can't take it inemore. Wears my binkie
Thair it is. I wuz sittin on it. I guess I'll go to sleep on this cawch.
2 Hours LaterNo Big Berd!... Don't eet me.... Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Wowe! Wat a horibal dreem!
O.K., O.K. I'll get up. Wate a menut. How did i git in my parents bed
Prais the Lord! Lets go!
Pop, would you stop it already with the towel.
Hey mama! Thanks for the brakfist
Here are som pickters that mom and dad took at the akwareeum

This is the 3 toed sloth. I'm not real sure what the word 3 stand for, but it must meen sometheng very speshal.
I wanted to pet her, but mommy and daddy sed , "No!, she has hundreds of bugs that eet on her fer". I didn't care. I wanted her to be my frend.

This is called a 2-can. I'm not sure what 2, can do, but it agan, it must be something very speshal.
Ya'll, this berd is so crazy. He is eetin his own.....well, you know. I almost had a flashback of big berd from this mornin, but ha ha, I new better. This berd is pink. How do I know that? Becuz that was the culer of the day on sesamee stereet.
Then he flewed off to somewear. Peepal were trying to git next to him to take pickters with him, but he wuzant havin it.
This is me with my pet snake. Cool huh!
Here is a swimming turtle and a man and a tee.

And then, this realee big fish got in the tank with the other fish and started feeding the others out of a pickal jar like momma has at home.

Here I am with Pop.
Oh brother. Another one!!
Ha ha!! Look at what I did to his shert.
That's me and my mama!
Hello kitty!!
Me and my favorite person in the hole wide world.
Thank you God for such a wonderful day.
I love it! Wow, I can see Madison is like her Dad, but can also see visions of hope and beauty that she gets from mama. Thanks for sharing. I'm ready for a visit y'all. Gay and Angel
she's too cute! Abby has the same huge blue paci and loves it!
Oh....LOL! And Abby has the same little purple outfit. They are twinkies!!
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