Three weeks ago, we took Madison in for her first shots. Tess was not looking forward to this day. She made sure to tell me that I would be the one holding her when she got them, but I had other plans.
Here she is. Like a lamb to the slaughter, so gentle and sweet.

We found out that she was 21 inches long which is in the 5th percentile.
10 lbs. 2.5 ounces which is in the 25th percentile
Head Circumference of 14.5 inches which is in the 10th percentile.

Then came the moment of truth. That mean ol' nurse tortured our baby with not 1, not 2, but 3 needles. By the way, those are not my hands shackled around her arms. It was mean ol' mommy. I was too busy with the camera. That was my job. This way I could blame mommy for all the pain that she would experience for the remainder of the day.

Let me tell you. She was mad. I hate needles too.

And after her mother picked her up and comforted her, she was asleep in a matter of seconds.

If she only knew that there would be another round at month 4!!!
Thank you God that our baby is healthy.
1 comment:
Thank God for every blessing indeed !
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