I had to think long and hard and gather tons of information before I wrote this post. Some will agree, but I'm afraid that many of my African American brothers and sisters won't. Heck. So I'll just start it off by saying that I support Barack Obama as my President and I will continue to pray for him and America as I usually do, but I in no way will support everything that he does. I agree with his philosophy of bringing about change. The Bush administration really did a doozy on our country. I really think that they did a poor job of truly connecting with the country. We found out that there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction, we never caught Osama bin Laden, He was too late in assisting the victims of Hurrican Katrina and the economy went into shambles. While at the same time he did do a few things in my opinion, right. Albeit, the cost of the war is outrageous, but I really believe that he did the best he could, with the assistance of his advisors to keep us protected after 9/11. There were many plots that terrorists had after 9/11 that were foiled because of the increased security. Bush didn't get it all wrong......just most of it..lol God Bless him.... it was really time for a CHANGE.
CHANGE is what we got.....we think!!! President Obama still has to prove himself. I think it's awesome that we finally have a president who can identify with the experience of the ethnic minority of this country. For the first time, as African Americans we don't necessarily have to feel that our interests and the things that matter the most to us is being taken for granted. It's also a good lesson to young blacks that they can aspire to be whatever they want to be when they grow up. That the HOOD lifesytle will never equate to Success. Quite Frankly, many of our Caucasian brothers and sisters will never understand to the depth that we do what it feels like to vote a fellow countryman of your own race to the highest possible honor given to a person of this country.......even if we don't personally agree with their views.
This is where I might make some people mad...
But, I DO NOT agree with some of the most fundamental beliefs that are at the core of what President Obama's policies are about.
Should Barack Obama have won the election in my opinion? Absolutely! He was the most prepared. The most sharp and the most believable. He made us believe that he truly cares about this country and what is important to each of us.
BUT, I don't really believe in every facet of his brand of CHANGE. I believe that we do need to turn this economy around. Honeslty, I'm not so sure what the right thing is to do to restore jobs and all that jazz, but I do need become more informed. Should we cut jobs, bail out industries or hand out stimulus checks? I have no idea.
Foreign policy. I want our soldiers to come home ASAP. I agree with his initial plan to get everyone back home within the next 18 months. But be prepared, because it could take much longer than that. I won't hold him to this promise because there is so much factored into orchestrating something like this.
But here is what I don't and will never agree with. Over and over again, I kept hearing that Barack Obama was voted as the most Liberal senator in the senate. So what does that mean? I always knew that Hillary Clinton was VERY libral. And for Barack Obama to be named even more liberal that she was pretty alarming for me.
One of the things that really struck a chord with me during this election was the fact that over 90% if African American voters voted for Barack Obama. That posed a huge problem for me. I think about the millions of us that go to church on a regular basis, that DO NOT vote with our Spirit, but with our color. By the way, if a white voter refrained from voting for Barack Obama because he was not white, then shame on them as well. It's really stupid.
Christian Person, DID YOU KNOW that Barack Obama supports abortion?
Well, I do not. Yeah, i know it's supposed to be a personal decision and all, but I don't think it's right. You won't see me outside one of those clinics picketing, though. I think that all life is an awesome gift from God and my heart goes out to anyone in a position to where this has to be something that they have to contemplate. Life is hard, and if you have been a victim of rape or something like that, I can see how it would be a thought. But SOME people are just down right irresponsible. I CAN NEVER vote for someone who support PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION. TO ME that's just wrong man. just wrong. I don't agree with this CHANGE.
Christian Person, DID YOU KNOW that Barack Obam supports your CHILD not having to have your consent to have an abortion?
Yep, you 16 year old daughter can get pregnant and have an abortion without you as the parent having to be notified, but you the nurse at school has to have your consent to give her an aspirin.
I don't agree with this CHANGE.
Christian Person, DID YOU KNOW that Barack Obam support civil unions?
Well, I do not. I love all people regardless of their gender, but I don't support everything that everyone does. I don't agree with this CHANGE.
McCain in my opinion was no better a choice in my opinion because he was too old and Palin was not ready to be President in the event of McCain's untimely passing. Although I believe the Palin was more of a conservative and many of my core views and beliefs matched up, she shouldn't even be a vice president. She had very important things that I feel a MOTHER should be there to deal with at her own home. So what that her teenage daughter was pregnant. That could have happened to anybody's child. BUT, she did have a special needs son. I belive that it is HER job to be there for him, not some nanny.
So, I am conflicted in a way. I love the fact that this country has come so far as to elect a African American president. WE can't always say that it's the white man holding us down. This country is a better place that it was 40 + years ago. I love black people, I love white people and all the other ethnic people in between. But I love God more than anyone, (which is untimately why I love everybody else).
And therefore I must filter MY VOTE through HIM and what his word says. I am a Christian first and a black man 2nd. My identity is in Christ. And moving forward, I will NEVER vote for someone who's beliefs are so far from my own, yet I will support them through prayer and on the issues that I believe are just and noble.
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