
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Nasty Handkerchiefs

Today, I diagnosed myself with a cold. I have a stuffy head, watery eyes and a runny nose. I also have a heavy dose of the sneezes. So as I wipe my nose raw throughout the day, I think about what it would be like if I had a handkerchief in my pocket. You know, the older generation is known for having one of these items with them wherever they go, just in case they have a runny nose or a sweaty brow.

I can definitely see how having a hanky in this hot Texas summer weather would be beneficial. But, I don't get the whole wiping your nose thing with it. I mean, I can see using it once, but that's it. For the life of me, I don't understand how you could blow your nose once, stuff the hanky back in your pocket and use it 3 or 4 more times. I know when I blow my nose into a tissue that I barely want to touch it, let alone attempt to use it again. Just think, you have your old nasty, crusty, nose debris petrifying the hanky. Then you risk scratching yourself by using it again later on. And for those of you who wish to say that you can fold it and use it again, I say you can only fold so many times before it cannot be folded again.

In conclusion, I find handkerchiefs totally gross.


1 comment:

Sister Girl said...

Amen....Totally grotesque !
