Dude, who knew horse racing could be so much fun? Honestly, when we got there we entered in where all the serious, and I mean serious horse race gamblers do their thing. I though I was in casino. There was so much smoke in the air. We just knew we were in the wrong place. But before we entered the place we had to deal with the admissions cashier girl who did not find her job a pleasure. She had this, "I wish I were somewhere else" attitude. She definitely would have been written up if she were on my watch. Oh well. This turned out to be a pretty good start to the holiday weekend. You can place bets as low as $2 on your choice of horse.
We had a great time doing what minor research we had time for in between races just to have a horse to root for. Right before we left the horse that Preston, Marcus and myself chose to Place took first place by 1/4 horse length. Definitely good times. Well it's off to the new Cowboy's Stadium in the morning.
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