This has been an extremely tough week for us and Madison. Because she had a cold for almost two weeks, we let here sleep in the bed with us for a few of those nights. Now she thinks she belongs in our bed. Well, starting Monday of last week we decided to just put her down around 10:30 like we always have and let her cry it out in her own bed. Mind you, we've been through this before. After only about 3 nights, she started to go to sleep almost instantly. Then something happened. She started waking up in the middle of the night around 2 and 3 o'clock and did not want to go back to sleep. As we understand it, babies should be able to put themselves back to sleep. She's been doing it all this time. Now all of a sudden, she wants to stay up for 2+ hours and play.
Wednesday night, I was up with her from 1am to 3am. And she still do not go back to sleep. So her mom decided to get up with her and didn't go back to sleep for an hour. Thursday night, she woke up around 3am and didn't go back to sleep until 5am. Friday night, she yet again sprung up at 3am. We decided to let her "cry it out" and she cried for about an hour before her mom got up with her. Tess, hung out with her for about an hour and came back to bed while Madison stayed up, crying no less. I just couldn't take it anymore after 30 minutes and put her back in our bed to get some sleep. I was convinced that she wasn't going back to sleep with her crib right next to our bed. So we are like, what's up with this chick? The wife and I commenced to game-plan for Saturday night. We'll let her cry if she wakes up tonight until she goes back to sleep, no matter how long it takes.
She woke up again and basically cried for an hour and a half. Something has to give and soon. On to plan B. Tonight we will turn her bed facing away from us to see if that works. If this doesn't work, then we will probably just kick her out of our room. I'm sure the fact that she can see us "sleeping" in the middle of the night only makes her ask, "Why in the heck won't you two wake up and play with me?" , "You know you hear me!".
I read an article somewhere online that a baby's sleep pattern can change somewhere between 6 and 10 months. It's more likely to happen if your child is about to reach an exciting milestone. For instance, since Madison is standing up on her own now, she can't wait to practice her independent standing up and down skill. When she's crying at night, she cruises back and forth from one side of the crib to the other. This has truly been a learning experience. Not sure if we could have avoided this. Please pray for us and this little girl of ours.
Wednesday night, I was up with her from 1am to 3am. And she still do not go back to sleep. So her mom decided to get up with her and didn't go back to sleep for an hour. Thursday night, she woke up around 3am and didn't go back to sleep until 5am. Friday night, she yet again sprung up at 3am. We decided to let her "cry it out" and she cried for about an hour before her mom got up with her. Tess, hung out with her for about an hour and came back to bed while Madison stayed up, crying no less. I just couldn't take it anymore after 30 minutes and put her back in our bed to get some sleep. I was convinced that she wasn't going back to sleep with her crib right next to our bed. So we are like, what's up with this chick? The wife and I commenced to game-plan for Saturday night. We'll let her cry if she wakes up tonight until she goes back to sleep, no matter how long it takes.
She woke up again and basically cried for an hour and a half. Something has to give and soon. On to plan B. Tonight we will turn her bed facing away from us to see if that works. If this doesn't work, then we will probably just kick her out of our room. I'm sure the fact that she can see us "sleeping" in the middle of the night only makes her ask, "Why in the heck won't you two wake up and play with me?" , "You know you hear me!".
Madison taking a quick afternoon siesta today!

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