
Monday, November 9, 2009


Since I got back from Orlando a couple of weeks ago, Madison has been dog sick. She was running a fever, had a sore throat and was extremely constipated. Then all of a sudden she developed this horrible skin rash that began on her face and worked it's way down to her feet. Of course, we go online to try to figure out what the deal is. Originally, we thought that she had a case of the measles. Well, thank goodness, but she did not have the measles. So just as the rash began to clear away, she got a cold. And then she gave the cold to us. What a freakin bummer. God help us make it through the next week or so.

Uh Oh!!! Guess what? I forgot to mention the whole reason for this post. Madison came down with a case of "The Runs" today. She woke up last night and would not go back to sleep. We called ourselves letting her cry it out, but she just kept crying and crying. She hadn't pooped up to that point yet, so we thought that she was just being stubborn. Then, this morning, Tess noticed that she had an extremely full diaper. (Glad I was at work...lol).

Anyway, she continued to poop all day today and her little backside is pretty raw and she was not happy about that. My mom told us to brown some flour in a skillet and sprinkle it on her bottom to help keep moisture down i guess and soothe her tush. Seems to be working okay so far. I so hope that tonight Tess can get some sleep and Madison will have a great day tomorrow.


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