
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

First Day Back At Work

Yesterday was my first day back at the job and it ended up being a pretty good day. I basically had no pain the whole day I was there. On top of that I only take my pain medication once a day right before I go to bed. Everybody's been wondering if I decided to go back too soon. If I were in crazy pain, I'd a been right back at home today.

Since I'm not allowed to drive anywhere (and we have only one car that functions), Tess has to take me to and from work. As usual, my little darling daugther greeted me with a smile. On the way back she decided that she was not only tired of having her shoes on, but her socks as well. I'm like, "Kid, it's 4o-something degrees outside". Plus, it's not like I can reach back there to put them back on her. So instead, I decided to take a picture of her, where she joyfully obliged with a big, CHEESE!!!

I love our daughter. She really knows how to make you laugh.


Sister Girl said...

That's a sweet,sweet baby in that picture. It was too funny how she REPEATEDLY waved goodbye to me, but wouldn't give me any of that cracker !


Miss.Teresa said...

that smile is crazy but i love her to death (sometimes)lol