About a week before we moved, we had an unwelcome guest in our little yard outside our apartment. One of the local hare/rabbits ( I cannot tell the difference when they are this little) snuck unto our gate. This just happened to be one of those days where we let Miss Jones go outside and hang out because the weather was so nice. She soon spotted the furry animal and was not having it.

She sized him up for a while before she got an attitude. I just had to get this shot.

Next thing you know she was talking mad noise to Carlito #2. (More on that in a minute) She started to charge at the poor little rabbit to make sure he knew that he was not welcome in 'HER' yard. If I recall correctly, I think I got video. As soon as I get around to it, I'll upload it.

Now on the Carlito #2 thing..... A few years ago, I visited my parents and noticed that they had a baby white rabbit in a cage and wondered where it came from. Apparently, they found him in their yard munching on their plants. Long story short, my little brother and I were in the front yard with the rabbit and their next door neighbors recognized the little animal as their pet rabbit Carlito. They asked me if I would pick him up and hand him to them over the fence. Well, I'm not afraid of rabbits, but I do hear that they bite from time to time and I really wasn't in the mood for being munched on. Well, I did it anyway and NO i didn't get bit. I'm just happy that I'm still here to tell the story. I'm sure you can get gangrene (sp?) or something for a wild animal bite. But really, what do I know?
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