So, the other day the Jones ladies picked me up from work. When we finally got to our apartment building, there was a family of about 5 adults that were going up the stairwell right in front of us. Install we all noticed that somebody had on some pretty strong masculine cologne. And it wasn't that the cologne was unpleasant, but that there was just way to much of it on.

Instantly, I wondered what Misses Jones response would be because she is very aware of different scents these day. Next think we know, Misses Jones starts to scrunch up her face starts saying, "Stinky!, Stinky!". Out of fear of being completely embarrassed, I began to over-talk her and distract her from the smell. "Hey, how's it going mama? Did you have a good day at school today?", but she was determined to not be distracted by me. All the while, my wife is doing her best to not crack up.
I don't think the people in front of us could ever make out what she was saying. By the same token, I don't think that they ever paid her much attention. I can't think about it without cracking up. Fun times....Right?
Children really do say the darnedest things don't they?
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