
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mrs. Jones Slices Her Finger

At least once a year, it seems like we're making a trip to the ER because somebody, who shall remain nameless, finds a way to hurt themselves.  On Monday morning, I was just wrapping up a meeting at work when I got a text informing me that I needed to call home immediately. 

Mrs. Jones sliced through the tip of her finger while cutting an onion with one of the new knives we just bought.  I'm guessing she wanted to see if the knife could really perform as billed on the package. 

I'm just glad she didn't cut her finger off.  It could have been much worse.  Knowing my wife, I could just imagine her cutting technique, which is the exact opposite of how they tell you to chop vegetables.  You know, fingers curled in, with the blade chopping parallel to your fingernails.

So at the end of the day, she came home with 3 new stitches.  Looks painful to me.  Painful and itchy.

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