
Sunday, September 30, 2012

My Interview with Plexent!

About a month ago, I shared a very special document recoginizing the team members of a project that I recently managed.  I was thinking about outside the box ideas to let my team members know what a great job they did and I wanted to make sure that the rest of our employees got a chance to see it.

So, I was able to convince everyone to allow me to take their photos and I was write a couple of lines about each team members contribution to the project.  The couple of lines was easy, but needless to say, getting everyone to take an individual portrait required a bit of teeth pulling.  First, I gave everyone the option to use their corporate directory photo if they so chose to.  The only thing about that is, it's the photo that the company takes of you on your first day of employment with the company.  Most of us hate our company photos.  Secondly, the image is pretty small.

Once I was able to share with the folks some of the images that I had already taken of the other team members, it wasn't hard to convince them otherwise.  They, sometimes reluctantly gave me permission to do their photo....Some requesting that I do major touch-ups....even when they weren't required.

Moving along.  After the document was published on our company's internal version of Facebook, it instantly became a big hit.  I think more than anything it proved that many of our people are starving to be recognized for the hard work that they put it.  Maybe it's something that we, like a lot of other company's don't do well.  Of course, we have the Employee of the Year type of awards, but I think that there's something to smaller, more frequent types of recognition that's visible to our peers and managers.

Somehow this unique recognition piece got outside of our company's walls and IT consulting and training company reached out to me to do an interview with me as well as share a little bit of my recognition document with the rest of the world on their company blog.

This is an extreme honor and I think it's pretty neat stuff.  I think it just goes to show that whether on an individual or corporate level, people should always be our first priority and with hard work and an ample does of encouragement, people can reach the next level.

So, please check out the blog here:
and if you are a member of Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, please share or Like the article.  Share with your company, friend and/or colleagues.


1 comment:

Nicolle said...

Seneca, this is so wonderful! The photos you took are amazing, and what an honor for you to be recognized as well. It does something to us inside when we are recognized for our hard work, so all around I think this is just amazing. Way to go!!