
Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Most Beautiful Girl In The World

This girl has been to say the least, a big challenge. We have had to get more tough with her over the past few weeks. Our Handful is a wonderful, Beautiful girl, but she is our strong-willed child. From staying in the bed at night to immediately responding to us when we ask her to do something...she pulls out all the stops to keep from obeying us. Ultimately, we've come to know that the problem is us. We were so hoping that she had the natural temperament of a child that only needs to be told something once or twice....Not this child at all.  The problem has been that we get tough for a few days and then slack off after she's starting to do better.  OR, our methods as parents vary at times. 

Nevertheless, we can't imagine life without her.  Here lately, she's begun to say impromptu little sweet thing that just make your heart melt.  "Bye Momma".  "Be Careful, Be Safe".  "I Love You".  At her best, she's the sweetest big sister in the world.  We might lose our life if we don't allow her the opportunity to kiss and hug her little brother goodnight. 
With so many family members' birthdays all clumped together during this time of year, quite naturally, she thinks that everybody's birthday is hers.  Everyday we hear how her mother's birthday was hers as well.  So funny.

To Mommy and Daddy, you really are the Most Beautiful Girl In The World!!

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