
Sunday, February 3, 2008

A Dream Declared


One thing that I've learned about about programming is that whenever you are writing code, different variables must be declared in order to make things work. Of course it's a little more complicated than than, but you'll get what I'm saying soon.

The Bible is very clear that whenever you have made a big decision to change a bad habit, pursue something, your decision doesn't have as much merit unless you DECLARE IT! When you declare something, it forces you to be accountable to that something. It also helps you to know it better.

If you have something new that you have decided to attain, you must then DECLARE IT!

Well, I have a dream.

I declare that Tess and I will make it through this season. It is only temoporary. God's delay is not a denial of His promise.

I have good news! The last time I blogged, January 10th, 2008, I was really in despair. About a week later I received a call from a temp agency that found my resume online. The lady asked me how my Access and Excel skills were. Of course, I told her that I was very comfortable with my skills. She then went on to inform me that there was a position available in Las Colinas, about 20 minutes away from where I live; about 10 minutes away from where I currently work. Well I took the online exams that are common to temp agencies to figure out your level of expertise with Microsoft Apps. I think I did pretty well because I scored pretty high. Instantly, i was told to go to the temp agency to fill out paperwork and interview with them. The day of the interview, I was asked to go out to the potnential employers office for an interview. I think I blew them away. Ten minutes after I was done with the interview I received a phone call fromm the temp agency that they wanted me to start the following Monday. I had to go ahead and take advantage of the opportunity. Wow, they wanted to pay me max for the position, which is a little more than $2/hr more than what I was currently getting paid at my job. The only problem is, I have to pay from COBRA insurance since my wife has a preexisting condition that absolutely has to be covered.

The other thing that worried me is that I had to be at CompUSA until Feb. 8 in order to get my 3 weeks vacation, since this is my anniversay date.

God has really worked out this situation for us:

1) I was layed off from CompUSA on Feb 1. - They still payed me for my upcoming vacation
2) I still have to pay for COBRA, but I can afford it with the pay increase that I received.
3) I feel like I'll be hired soon by my new company, but I'm still nervous about getting as much as I can learn down pat.
4) We are moving to Las Colinas. This is a big adjustment for Tess because change can be quite taxing on her.

Everything is working out just like I hoped that it would. God has been so good to us.

I pray that I get hired at this job quickly.

This is my plan. I really need insurance really soon.

I started working at my new company as a Business Analyst on January 21st. On April 21 I plan on letting my director know that I plan on applying for a job within the company if he can't give me a good projection on when he can hire me. I know it's not totally dependent on himself to hire me for good, but I'm not someone who can do without insurance for long periods of time.

Thank God, that I don't feel has helpless as I did a few weeks ago. This situation along with being so busy with school and learning Java and other programming stuff was really taking a toll on my mind.

Thanks Father.

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