The first time it happened was Saturday night. She went to sleep somewhere around 12 or 1 o'clock a.m. She then wakes up around 5 a.m. and i politely place here pacifier back in her mouth. (Snooze button ya know!!) Next thing I know, it's 8 o'clock and she's finally waking up. I thought I was dreaming. So I go over to check the bottle cooler that we have in our bedroom to check to see if maybe Tess fed her in the middle of the night without me knowing. Both bottles were still there.... literally chillin' in their pouch. So I just assumed that this was an aberration and that the next night, she'd fulfill her obligation to her normal sleeping pattern of getting up at least once a night. And guess what......?
She did it again. Then she did it again last night.
I am soooo proud of this little girl. She speaks when spoken too, isn't too cranky most of the time, takes a descent nap in the late evening, smiles all day and now she's sleeping through the night. We couldn't be more proud... unless of course she starts playing the piano in a couple of weeks.
It's funny, but I really don't think that we had much to to with her progress so far. She is our precious little cone-head, mamacita, baby bumble bee, maggie moo, perfect gift from God.
Good Job girl. Thank you for "Gracing" us with the gift of uninterrupted sleep...... FOR NOW!!
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