A few weeks back, Mrs. Jones had her 20-week sonogram to check the baby out and to confirm the sex. We waited a little bit longer because she had to have an echo-cardiogram done because the sono tech at the baby dr's office couldn't get a good shot of the baby's heart. Stubborn little person.
It has been confirmed. We will be having a baby boy.
I really wanted to post the sonogram photo with the word BOY typed on it, but my wife thought that the the baby's leg could be mistaken for.....well, you know!!!

As far as his name. It is tentatively set at
Jawaharlal!!!My family members have been trying to talk us out of that name, but it's growing on us more and more every day.
Congratulations! I'll bet you are thrilled! Say hello to your beautiful wife for me! :)
Oh my goodness, I didn't know! Congrats. I just got an email from Tess the other day saying hi, and she didn't mention the new baby. That is wonderful news!!! :)
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