But honestly, for the past month or so, I've been extremely anxious. Guess I have a kink in my armor, huh. At my job, I applied for one of the new positions that was created within my current department. I figured that my skills matched almost to a tee what was requested in the job requirements and had full confidence that I would get an interview. Once the job was posted, I immediately updated my resume, notified my boss and sent it on to HR.
A couple of weeks went by and I was beginning to wonder what was taking so long. I had to remind myself that even though a job gets posted and business have an urgent desire to fill positions quickly, sometimes business and politics can get in the way. It's possible that the hiring manager went on vacation, could be traveling or be too busy in meetings to schedule the necessary time needed to conduct interviews.
Then, another week rolls by and I get wind that interviews will be conducted on the following week. But, then I say to myself, "Well, heck! I still haven't received a phone call to be interviewed. What's really going on?"
So I send and email to HR after the week of supposed interviews have been conducted to find out if they are still interviewing for the position. I got a response back stating that the hiring manager would stop by to have a talk with me. It just so happened that I was out of the office that day and had to wait until the next day to find out what happened.
I wondered if maybe I had typos on my resume or maybe I was under qualified for the position. There were actually 4 open spots. 2 spots for the position that I applied for and 2 others which would have been a lateral move for myself. To my knowledge, I was the only internal employee who already works for our department who applied. This was yet another fact as to why I was so sure I'd get an interview.
The next day the hiring manager pulled me into his office to let me know that he felt like I was not qualified for the position that I applied for. He went on to explain that the position was a highly technical position that required more skill that he believed that I had. Honestly, this baffled me. Aside from the preferred degree requested of the potential job applicant, I believe I had a good amount of the skills necessary to at least be considered for the opportunity. Granted, this guy used to manage my current current position a few years ago before I began with the company, but I don't think he could assume what the depth of knowledge and skills were by what was listed on my resume alone. I guess it would have been nice to have gotten an interview. In a way it seems like it would have been a requirement to give me an interview to drive home the point that they support attempting to promote from within the organization.
I was hurt, but that's business for you, right? At least I have a job. That takes the sting out a little bit.
Funny thing is, a couple of weeks after I applied for the job, I was asked by someone to apply for an open position that they had available. I waited for a couple of weeks for the job to be posted. I waited 2 more weeks to apply for the job because my heart was really set on the job above. Mainly because it would be a promotion and I could continue to work for my current division. This new opportunity would warrant me moving to IT.
Immediately, I received an invitation for an interview for the next week. To make sure I comply with company rules, I informed my boss that I had applied for another position. She must be thinking that I really hate my job now. This is not the case, but I would love to take advantage of a new challenge if it was the right fit for where I'd like to grow in my career.
Now that I've had the interview, now I must play the waiting game. Everyday, I tell myself to calm down, appreciate today for what it is, try not to miss the blessing of this day that God has give me and above all, be anxious for nothing. For whatever reason this is harder to do that usual. I've been waiting almost 2 months to hear something from somebody and I do not want to be perceived as an impatient bug-a-boo, even if I do wait 2 weeks between contacting the appropriate personnel for an update. Is 2 weeks to often? I don't know. Geez
So, I've been told that I should have an answer no later than Tuesday of next week. At that time a decision will have been made for the 2nd position that I applied for. No matter what, I have to be prepared for the dreaded answer, "NO!"
I've been there before. Sometimes you can be smack dab in the middle of the will of God and still here the answer, "NO!" Well, why God? Then he says, "Because I said so!" Sometimes He eventually shows me why He said NO. Other times he takes me to other places where I do not care at all why He said NO. As it pertains to the first job, maybe I'm truly not qualified for the job. I've had a job before that I was hired for and literally could not do the job. It was a risk, but probably not a very good calculated risk. God is good, because they paid me to leave. It wasn't that I wasn't a hard work or lacked dedication to the job, but honestly, I just wasn't any good at it. Also, on the other hand, maybe the future of that job isn't where God wants to take me.
So now I wait. I wait with great expectation of the outcome that I desire. I am, no-less, extremely grateful. This should be a piece of cake. I mean, I do have a job. What really sucks is having no job and humping like crazy trying to find someone that will interview you and make you a job offer when you are jobless, have an at home wife and mom and a newborn less than 6 weeks old when rent, car note and other bills to pay. I've been there and I look to times like that and remind myself how faithful God really is and how he rewards those who diligently want to know more about Him and what He thinks about us.
At the end of the day, I will be content. It doesn't mean that I won't feel disappointment in hearing a No, but I'll get over it because I could be worse off. I'll keep you updated on the outcome.
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