
Thursday, June 9, 2011

I Have My Hands Full

I can't even breathe these days.  I feel like I have ants crawling on me all the time.  If I have one in my hands, you can rest assured that the other one isn't too far away.  Boy, do I love them both.

Mr. Jones Jr.,  I can't wait to finally give you a real blog name.  Heck I still need to change my blog title. I'll get around to doing it at some point.  You have added another element of joy into our life.  You are definitely more fussy that your sister ever was.  Other than that, you don't do much.  I have never heard a baby  get hoarse, but you definitely have.  You are starting to recognize our voices and have even cracked a few gassy smiles.  I pray that you continue to grow healthy and strong.

Misses Jones.  Girl, you are so crazy and bossy.  Every day you say something new to us.  You are getting so smart.  You even know how to spell your name.  We still have a ways to go with getting you completely potty trained, but all we have to do is tell you to go potty and instantly you go....We still gotta work on doing the #2.  You'll get there.  We love the way you love your little brother.  We are so proud of you for welcoming him into our family with open arms.  We have more than enough love to share with the both of you. 

Daddy loves the both of you my prayer is that God keep you and protect you and that He would give us the wisdom to help you two become all that He created you to be.  It is an honor to be your parents.


1 comment:

Nicolle said...

Hi Jones Family!!!

I saw this picture, but never commented. Your face makes me laugh b/c most days I feel like that! haha. Parenting is so joyous and so TOUGH!