Prior to this week, I was completely oblivious to the innerworkings of a server, but now I'm kinda managing one. WOW. This company is a far cry from what I'm used to. I actually think I may like it even more. There is so much red tape involved in every decision made in big corporate environments. Well things are much different at EMA. If you need a new computer and the president of the company okay's it, it's done. We get lunch catered in once or twice a week. We have a business casual dress code, but it's still pretty laxed.
So... while I'm still in training, I've been giving the responsibility of putting together the technical and support documentation for the company until I've finished with my VB .Net courses. Not only are we development, but we are also IT.
Here's a picture of my desk:

It's really different working with only 12 other people. 10 guys and 2 girls, 1 of which is only in the office 2 to 3 days out of every week. Anyway, I'm really exicted to see what's to come.
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