
Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Busyness of having small children

I was thinking of the other day about how there are no pictures of me and Mr. Jones Jr.  Not sure why that is, but it's likely attributed to having so little time to do the things that we used to do.....like snapping photos or blogging.  Even as I type right now, Mrs. Jones is gone to do some errands, Mr. Jones Jr is taking a nap and Misses Jones is tugging on my wrists begging me to do 'something else' now that she's done playing with her ink dots and magnets.  Honestly, I'm anxious as I type because I'm hoping the infant doesn't wake up and before I'm done and the 2 year old will give me a few more minutes by watching what's left of Rio. (She just told me she doesn't want to watch Rio as she attempts to turn the TV off)

Misses Jones has been sick all week (she's trying to climb in my lap now)...okay I'll finish this post later....Nevermind she found something else to do... Spastic...right?

Anyway she's been sick all week and has stayed home from school as a result.  As soon as I get home from work, I start dealing with them while mommy finishes up dinner.  The rest of the evening consists of  eating and getting baths in for the children, washing dishes and doing what we can to tidy up the house.

God bless my darling wife.  I know that unless the smallest one sleeps for a significant amount of time that only a handful of things can get done.  Some days are better than others.  Add on top of that a sick 2 year old who's tugging on your for attention all day long and you have pretty much nothing...crazy...

Alright gotta go.. infant is waking up and phone is ringing.  Forgive me if there are typos. 

1 comment:

Nicolle said...

Love this photo! Our lives reflect each other's so much. I love the busyness of having a small child, but some days I know I have accomplished NOTHING! I feel like I should conquer the world, yet I barely have time to use the restroom. haha. I can totally relate!