We went out to the house on on Tuesday to perform a pre sheetrock walk-through. This was our opportunity along with the guy over the construction of our home to make sure that all of the wiring, electrical sockets windows were in their proper places along with a bunch of other items were carefully attended to during the build to this point.
Of course, we have never had a home built before and in no way are we experts at knowing everything there is to know about what to look for. So I looked for the obvious things. Thinks like was all the framing nailed down and facing the proper directions. Were the windows crooked. Were there any gaping holes where there shouldn't have been any. Was the wiring neat, etc.
We only found one issue while we were there. There was a beam that wasn't nailed down. Our construction guy, Rollo (not his real name), sprayed some instructions on the ground and said they'd fix it. We were also waiting on an inspector to come out to before the sheetrock could be put up. It had been a little more than a week since we saw the house last and not much had changed from then until this day.
Now we fast forward to Saturday. Friday night I called Rollo to find out if the inspector had a chance to come out and if any additional progress had been made on the house. We are in crunch time right now. With our little surprise on the way, and a potential job offer that is hanging in the balance, and needing to be out of our apartment by a particular date, there's a lot going on right now. As long as we don't run into any major inspection issues we should be good.
This is what we saw when we arrived at the house.
The bottom quarter of the house had been bricked.

And the insulation had been put in.
Of course I couldn't leave without snapping a couple of photos of my ladies.

We are now praying for good weather to keep the process rolling. Since it snowed last time we have had perfect weather for house construction. Let's keep it up Father. Till next time . Peace
Looking good. Excited for you four.
Beautiful home! You're not going to know what to do with all of that room! :)) I remember moving into our house from our apartment, and the first time I vacuumed it felt like I would never finish. haha.
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